Saturday, January 21, 2012

Really? They Said What??

More to come on updates regarding my newest little guy, but for today I wanted to highlight something that was recently brought to my attention by some of my readers -- insensitive comments regarding women who have suffered an incompetent cervix and delivered a baby early. I felt like it was important to give my fellow IC sufferers a voice. So here goes...

The absolute worst thing you can say to a woman has suffered an incompetent cervix (IC) and has lost a baby or has delivered a child months before his or her due date is comments that seemingly point blame at the mom for delivering her baby early. Comments that start with “you probably shouldn’t have done this or that…” or “I’m sure it didn’t help that…”  or my personal favorite “your not planning to try again are you?” are not helpful in any way, shape, or form.  I don’t care how well-intentioned your comments might be, it is something that cuts deep to the core and hurts more than you could ever imagine. 

Unless you are that person's doctor, have lived in that person’s shoes and have lived through the deep- searing emotional pain of delivering your baby too early, you have no business surmising what that person should or shouldn’t have done to have prevented an early birth or commenting on why they probably shouldn’t try again to get pregnant.

First of all, IC happens silently, meaning a woman generally has no idea that her cervix is rapidly opening threatening to let her baby literally drop out until it is too late.  You don't feel pain and you generally do not go into labor. You simply don't feel your cervix opening. This is hard to understand for those that have never experienced it. Second, IC is NOT caused because a woman did something to make it happen.  A woman who has an incompetent cervix has IC because the cervix (a muscle) is weak and is not able to carry the weight of a growing baby.  Third, doctors do not generally check for IC unless prior pregnancy losses have presented a reason to diagnose it and therefore giving a reason to check for it in subsequent pregnancies. So that means unless prior pregnancies have led to a diagnosis of IC she will go about life enjoying what she thinks is a normal pregnancy, doing normal things to prepare for birth like decorating a nursery, working out, working a job, etc. and her cervix could be opening silently and surprising even her doctor with an early birth.
To those of you reading this who have never had an incompetent cervix and have delivered your children to term avoiding a stay in the NICU I say this, be thankful that you have never lost a child because of IC or have had to helplessly watch as your baby is cut from your body during a c-section and whisked away to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) hooked to many wires and tubes fighting for life unable to be held by anyone because their tiny body is too weak.  Making comments surmising why it happened or what the mom might have done to "cause" IC, regardless of your intention, is not helpful at any point in time.
I like to think that I have healed from the emotional wounds of delivering my youngest daughter at 24 weeks due to my weak cervix, but in reality every time someone close to me makes an insensitive comment regarding their theory behind why my cervix opened too soon and why my youngest daughter was born so early I am forced to relive every single moment of my daughter’s terrifying early birth and every moment of every day of her 3 months in the neonatal intensive care unit. I  may smile at you and try nicely to explain why your theory is incorrect, but I am secretly feeling attacked. I wish that I could have been one of the lucky ones to have given birth to her at term and trust me, if it had been in my power to have never had an incompetent cervix I never would have gone the route my body chose to take.  Trust me when I say, if I could have gotten my child to full term I would have done everything in my power to make that happen. I wanted more than anything to have delivered her at term and I never in a million years thought I would have delivered her so early on that horrible day over 3 1/2 years ago.
I would NEVER have wished the fate of what my baby girl has had to go through just to be in this world.  I had no power over what happened.  I did everything right in my pregnancy; it was my body that failed. Not even my doctor could have predicted IC especially since the birth of my oldest daughter presented no signs whatsoever that I had a weak cervix. 
So here is my question for my fellow community of IC sufferers, what silly things have people said to you regarding your incompetent cervix or early birth that made your jaw drop? And after they made the comment, how did you respond?  
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