How Can I Submit A Guest Post?

Many of my readers have shared with me their personal stories of triumph and heartache with incompetent cervix and giving birth to a preemie. Some of you share stories strikingly similar to mine, others have endured so much heartache they are not sure they could ever try again for another child. For the next several weeks, I will be hosting a “guest post” on my site and giving one reader each week a chance to share their story on my site. I am doing this because your stories have touched my heart and I think others need to hear them.

Incompetent Cervix is more common than most people think and as I always say incompetent cervix is not a life sentence. It is something to overcome, but does not mean you are destined to never try again for another child.

If you are interested in sharing your story to be published on my blog, please do the following:
1. email me your story along with a picture to be included to 
2. Subject line should read: Guest Post.  
3.  (Please edit your story for publication. I can do minor edits, but would prefer if they were publication ready. ) 
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