Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 33 - Wondering if I will make it to 34...

What a week!  After my OB appointment this week I couldn’t help but feel giddy, scared, and apprehensive all at once.

The appointment itself went very well and I learned that my cervix is holding at 3.5cm. I was very happy to hear that because the baby has been really pushing on my cervix this week and part of me has been a bit concerned. In fact, I have been feeling as if he has dropped in an effort to ready himself for birth. Also, because I am not a good judge of whether or not I am having an actual contraction or if I suddenly need to go to the bathroom, I have been a bit paranoid.  In fact, every time I have had to go to the bathroom this week I have questioned whether or not I really have to go to the bathroom or if my baby was going to be born soon. Sounds crazy, but as I have found with so many of my fellow incompetent cervix sufferers it is one of those things that is constantly on your mind during your pregnancy even when the doctor tells you everything looks great. Having read a lot of information on line about c-sections with a vertical incision, I began to realize that going into labor could be very risky. My mind began to wander worrying that if I suddenly went into labor and couldn’t get to the hospital in time would I rupture my uterus?

So you can imagine the plethora of questions I had for the doctor when I went in this week. I had a list prepared with the following:
1.      How much does my baby weigh?  Is he growing properly?
2.      Has he dropped or have I been imagining it?
3.      When are we setting a date to remove the cerclage?
4.      What happens if I go into labor before cerclage removal?
5.      Is it common to go into labor within 48 hours of removing the cerclage stitches?
6.      If I start labor and can’t get to the hospital in time would my uterus rupture from my previous emergency c-section incision?
7.      Are we scheduling the c-section or just waiting to see what happens?
8.      When should I stop the Procardia? The aspirin to prevent placenta previa?

Armed with my questions and nervous from my overactive mind I first went in for my ultrasound and was pleased to hear the news that my baby boy at 33 weeks and 3 days, weighs 5 pounds 5 ounces! My OB said that he is in the 68th percentile for his gestation measuring at 34 weeks and 4 days. I couldn’t be happier! This does not mean I am a week further, only that this time around my kiddo is not going to be a small baby. My oldest daughter was born at 37 weeks and was very small for her gestation weighing only 5 pounds 7 ounces, so to learn I am carrying a baby estimated to weigh at almost the same weight but earlier in gestation is very exciting.

Although the doctor listened intently to my question about my uterus rupturing, he said that the chances of that were slim and that I would absolutely know when I am in labor and would get to the hospital in time if I went into early labor. Not totally convinced based on my research, I asked him if we could schedule to remove the cerclage and then do the c-section right away? Basically can we delay the removal of the cerclage from 37 weeks to maybe week 38?  He wouldn’t budge on when we were removing the cerclage stitch and said that he didn’t want to do the c-section right away, so I am scheduled to have the stitches removed in the office at week 37 and 3 days (September 26th).  He said that it is possible to go into labor within 48 hours after removing the stitches, but he doubted that would happen. I am scheduled for my c-section on October 7th, which will be in week 39.  I am to stop taking Procardia at week 37 on the nose, and aspirin is this week at week 34.

Now the interesting caveat to this appointment came when I asked if the baby had dropped into my pelvis or if I was just imagining it.  All along the baby has preferred to be in birth position, but he has also been pressing on my rib cage and kicking me up high.  I’ve felt out of breath the last few weeks and very uncomfortable all over my stomach with kicks both in my lower abdomen and up high, and I’ve been unable to eat as much as my body feels it needs to because there hasn’t been any room. However, on Monday I noticed I could breathe easier, my stomach looks different (I actually have space now between my breasts and my belly), I’ve been urinating even more frequently than I have been, and it feels and looks ike he is much lower and pushing even more on my cervix every time he moves. Plus when I sit down it looks my belly is resting in my lap. Upon examination it was confirmed that the baby has indeed dropped. This could mean that he is readying for birth but that could happen soon or in weeks from now.  I have been having contractions off and on today and am getting a bit nervous.

Signs of Going Into Labor: Lightening or Dropping -- powered by ehow

During my appointment the doctor was very pleased to see how big the baby measured and assured me several times that if my baby were to be born at 34 weeks based on his size, he would be ok.  However, I would prefer my little guy is born closer to 37 weeks.  I just worry that he will have a whole host of issues if born any earlier than 37 weeks. Since I have been experiencing some contractions off and on today that I feel are not Braxton Hicks and my back is hurting, I am doing my best to take it extremely easy so as not to progress anything.  The doctor didn’t come out and say it, but I got the feeling he believes the baby is going to come in the next week or so based on the fact the baby has dropped. I am scheduled to go into see the doctor now weekly for the next 3 weeks for my biophysical profile (bpp) which will monitor me for contractions and the baby for heartbeat and fetal movement. This is the same type of appointment, lasting about an hour,  that I had to do with my oldest daughter due to my Lupus. Only at that time it was 2 times a week. This time around, the bpp monitoring is mainly due to my age now that I am 39 and not so much due to the Lupus since I am in remission.

I am ecstatic with my baby’s estimated weight measurement, excited that I have a date scheduled for my c-section, but very hesitant to be too excited when in the back of my mind I am wondering if the overnight bag I packed today will need to be used in the near future. My hubby put together an activity backpack for each of our girls with coloring books and other goodies, etc so that when we do go to the hospital they will have something to do. I sincerely hope everything calms down, but if it hasn’t I will be heading back into the doctor tomorrow.  The bad thing to all of this is that I have been seriously nesting this week.  I feel such a sense of urgency to make sure that we have a place ready for the baby but realize that I just need to take it easy. I just don’t know what to expect and as someone who plans everything, this is driving me nuts! I want to be prepared for his arrival and I don't feel prepared at all. I just need him to hold out a few more weeks as I don't want him to end up on oxygen or have any complications. I know the doctor reassured me, and definitely having a baby at 34 weeks versus 24 weeks is much different, but I also know that if he has a few more weeks in utero we can avoid a lot of issues.

I will keep everyone posted if I continue to have more issues...


  1. Keep us all posted! His weight at this point is great, but that baby needs to cook a little longer. Hang in there! We are rooting for you and your family.

  2. I know what it is like to have a child born at 34 weeks as my youngest was and weighed 5 pounds 13.5 ounces. He is now 2.5 years old and has not shown any developmental delays, thankfully. Yes he did spend about 2 weeks in the NICU as he did have premature lungs and difficulty regulating his body temperature. I am glad to hear that you son has such a healthy weight. Just know that even if the worst happens and you deliver him earlier than planned, you have a lot of us praying for you and your family. Hang in there!


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