Saturday, June 11, 2011

Miracle Mackenzie - Watch the Story of Our Amazing 24 Weeker

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A trip down memory lane...  Thought I would share the news story that highlighted our preemie baby, Mackenzie, when she was still in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) back in 2008. It brought back a lot of memories of our experiences in the NICU and reminded me of how careful I need to be with this pregnancy.  Not that I forgot, really, but I think when you are feeling tempted to get up from pregnancy bedrest to do the dishes or cook a meal, it helps to see where you've been and how far you've come.  I definitely don't want to end up there again with our baby boy.  I learned from our time in the NICU boys do not do as well as girls in the NICU. I still can't believe how small my baby girl was. It's amazing to look back.

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